Crane Renovation Group seeks to improve the quality of life for people in the communities in which we live and work. Our goal is to provide peace of mind by servicing the basic human need of shelter, and one way of doing this is through our partnership with United Way of Central Ohio. With their Community Impact Fund, United Way supports a network of nonprofits with initiatives to reduce poverty by providing basic human needs such as food, water, and shelter. As well, the United Way fund helps link people to good jobs, build strong neighborhoods, and enable the success of students trying to make their way in the world.
In the early 2000s, Crane Renovation Group started contributing to the Community Impact Fund by selling raffle tickets to employees for prizes such as OSU tickets and premium gas grills. But this wasn’t enough. Feeling blessed and supported by a company like Crane Renovation Group—which engages employees to give back and shares company profit—a pledge drive was started. With an extra day of paid time off given to those who pledge at the leader level, our goal was set to garner 100% participation across all Columbus employees. We did not disappoint. With 100% participation, our pledge amount for 2018 totaled $52,305.62, up 14% ($6,526.26) from the previous year.
We’re committed to helping United Way find every dollar they can to fight poverty in Columbus, Ohio. Support has been ongoing since the pledge drive, with a children’s book donation drive last February that resulted in Crane Renovation Group employees filling boxes and boxes of books.
There are tough issues in Weinland Park, Franklinton, Northland, and many other areas of Columbus, where moms and dads, children and seniors who have fallen on hard times need support and compassion. Crane Renovation Group recognizes this and strives to be part of the solution.
If you also are interested in learning about how you can influence your very own community through United Way, visit